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The Importance of Mobility Exercises and Chiropractic Care for Seniors

Written By Midtown Back & Neck Center on March 11, 2024

a patient doing physical therapy

As you age, your mobility can be affected by your diet, lifestyle, medical conditions, core strength, injuries and illnesses, surgeries, health care. Maintaining your mobility can improve your overall health and wellness and enhance your quality of life. At Midtown Back & Neck Center in St. Louis, MO, our chiropractor Dr. Terence Crowley is committed to helping seniors improve their mobility after accidents, injuries, or just to correct issues caused by aging. 

What Is Mobility? 

Mobility refers to actions like sitting, standing, walking, lifting, bending, carrying, and moving purposefully through your day. Having core strength and mobility will help you live a healthier and more independent life. Core mobility maintains your ability to get out of bed, shower, walk up and down stairs, get in and out of a car, carry groceries, take your dog for a walk, and more without risk of injury. Improved mobility allows seniors to live longer, healthier lives. 

How Does Core Mobility Improve Safety and Independence? 

When you are strong and mobile, you can take care of the tasks of daily living on your own, without help from others and without risk of injury. The tasks of daily living include getting in and out of bed and to and from the bathroom, bathing yourself and taking care of personal hygiene, dressing yourself, making meals, and managing your medications. Maintaining your mobility will safeguard your independence and reduce your risks of falls, broken bones, aches and pains, and other injuries that could affect your health and quality of life.

How Can a Chiropractor Improve Mobility for Seniors?

Dr. Crowley and his team can assess your overall health, age, and lifestyle habits. We can run you through simple tests that evaluate your range of motion, strength, balance, posture, and spinal alignment. We can then design a personalized care plan that improves your core strength and mobility and reduces your risk of accidents and injuries. We may recommend a combination of chiropractic adjustments, posture correction, therapeutic exercises and stretches, diet and nutrition counseling, lifestyle modification, active rehab therapy or injury rehabilitation, and modality and range of motion therapy. 

Schedule a Consultation for Chiropractic Care and Mobility Exercises in St. Louis, MO

If you’re ready to improve your core mobility in St. Louis, MO, Dr. Crowley and his team at Midtown Back & Neck Center can help. We specialize in mobility protocol training, mobility exercises and therapy, core mobility and strength training, physical and active rehab therapy, and chiropractic care. Request an appointment today.  

Posted In: Active Rehab